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Contact details History of Mas del Mar Description of Mas del Mar Media kit About Mas del Mar logo FAQs

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History of Mas del Mar

According to the legend, when Greeks first arrived in this land, the beauty of the place captivated them in such way they didn’t realise the little depth at which they were sailing. Thus, their boat got stranded in the sand and they decided to settle in Empúries, where a prolific and prosper society soon flourished. In the course of time, the river kept taking soil from the Pyrenees to this place, moving away the sea to the point of leaving the boat without any water around it. Gradually, the boat turned into a country house. A country house that is in fact more from the sea than from the land. This is how Mas del Mar got its name. Mas is the traditional way of calling a farm house in Catalan and Mar means Sea in Catalan. From that moment on, the people who live in the house feel that time stops. Not long ago, one of the last inhabitants, Mr. Martinet, still went by bicycle to Sant Pere Pescador, a village where the country house is known by a lot of people as “Mas Martinet” (“Martinet’s Country House”).

Description of Mas del Mar

Mas del Mar is a beautiful country house that dates back to the XVIIth century. It is located in front of the sea, at 200 metres away from a spectacular wild dunes beach. The house is placed amid nature, in a specially peaceful scenery and without any other construction in 1 km. Mas del Mar is 2 km away from the lovely village named Sant Pere Pescador (in Girona). At north it borders on the estuary of the Fluvià River and at east on Sant Pere Pescador’s beach. The view from the house is magnificent: on one hand, one can see the wild dunes, the sea and the meadows where deers, cows and horses graze and, on the other hand, Aiguamolls de l’Empordà Natural Park. It is a huge Natural Reserve that works as a humid zones area next to the Fluvià and it gathers more than 300 species of birds, a great quantity and variety of vegetation, and other animals. Mas del Mar has been recently refurbished respecting the arquitecture of the house’s exterior and giving the interiors a warm design where white and light pastel aquamarine are the predominant colours. The fragance of fresh sea air enhances the natural light of the house. All of the rooms have a private bathroom and some of them even have a living room, a private balcony and a chimney. In addition, its shared areas are very comfortable and the game room, which is even equipped with a foosball table, stands out from the rest of the areas. As to enjoy the surroundings with a greater comfort, the house has a huge south-oriented terrace from which one can see the sea, the vegetation, the sky and an extensive and peaceful garden with a swimming pool and a 100 metres large pond. A delicious and varied breakfast (sweet and salty) is served every morning. Enjoy a unique and exceptional experience and immerse yourselves into the magic sunsets of Empordà, Dali’s source of inspiration..

Media kit

Download the media kit in pdf here.

About Mas del Mar logo

People often ask themselves why two seahorses. Is it because like Mas del Mar, seahorses are never forgotten once you see them? Is it because after so many years without a logo we had to pick the slowest fish? Or is it because we are just by the shore where seahorses prefer to mate? Is it because seahorses lived for millions of years exactly where Mas del Mar is before the house became the shore? Or is it because we are just by the shore where seahorses prefer to live? Is it because Seahorses like to share their lives surrounded by nature just like Mas del Mar does? Or is it because two are everything? Is it because Plato described Greeks as animals from the big Mediterranean pond? Is it maybe because the house is located in the place known as the Iberian civilization by Greeks? Or is it because there is something mystic about seahorses? Is it because Mas del Mar is where dreams and reality meet? Or is it because we want you to come to Mas del Mar and feel right here? Is it because Mas del Mar and seahorses are both shelters? Or is it because here you will have time to think and feel? We don´t really know why. We just know that when we saw it we felt they had to become Mas del Mar logo.


• How far is the house from the beach? It is at 200 metres from the beach. • Is it opened all the year? Yes. • Are there any supermarkets and shops near the house? Yes. The centre of Sant Pere Pescador is very near to the house and there are supermarkets, shops, restaurants, etc. In addition, almost every year during the summer season, there are one or two refreshment stalls that are opened until late at night (they often offer live music on the sand). Camping sites from the area also have supermarkets and you can go either by foot or by bicycle, as you prefer. • Are dogs allowed in the house? You need to ask before coming. They are normally allowed but they can’t be or walk around shared areas. • Is there a swimming pool? Yes, there is a 12×6 metres swimming pool in the garden as well as a beautiful lake where couples of mallards nest every year. • Can the kitchen be used? You have to ask at the moment of booking. It can usually be used when it is for a group. • Is breakfast served? And other meals? Yes. Breakfast for adults costs 10€ and for children under 6 years costs 5€ (VAT is not included). You can also request other meals (lunch and dinner) but you have to ask in advance. • Are deers visible from the house? Yes. It depends on them though. If they come around, you can see them from the house. They sometimes come and drink water from the lake located right in front of the house or hop along between the house and the sea. If you are lucky and see them, you will never forget that image. • Does the house have central heating? Yes. It does have central heating. It is very powerful and the house is never cold. • Does the house have air conditioning? No. However, we don’t think it is necessary since the house is well constructed and it doesn’t get very hot in the house during the summer. In addition, the fact that the house doesn’t have any other construction in 1 km and that it is located near the sea favours that the sea breeze refreshes the house. • Are there a river, the sea, and a lake at less than 200 metres from the house? Yes. Mas del Mar is located in the Gulf of Roses, amid Costa Brava (Mediterranean Sea). The Fluvià River is near Mas del Mar and in summer one can come by boat and moor it right in front of the house. The boat, though, must have a shallow draught since the river’s estuary isn’t very deep. The lake is inside the property’s area – right in front of the house –, and the sea is at just 200 metres from the house.


The 512 Area Code: A Valuable Asset for Business Communication

The 512 area code, serving Austin, Texas, offers significant advantages for businesses, particularly in sales and customer service. Understanding and utilizing different area codes can enhance marketing strategies, though not all call-tracking services provide comprehensive tools for this purpose. For a thorough comparison of call-tracking software options, consult our detailed reviews.

Located in the Central Time Zone, the 512 area code aligns with major markets like Chicago and Dallas. For international communications, it's crucial to note that Central Time is five hours behind GMT, with adjustments for daylight saving time.

Several providers offer local numbers in the 512 area code, including,,,, and, with varying pricing for numbers and minutes.

The 512 area code, established in 1947, is one of the original area codes in the North American Numbering Plan. It primarily serves Austin, known for its tech industry and government institutions. Due to increased demand, the 737 area code was added as an overlay in 2013.

Businesses benefit from a 512 number by establishing a local presence in Austin, enhancing customer trust, and improving local SEO. Nearby area codes include 210 (San Antonio), 254 (Waco), and 361 (Corpus Christi), offering opportunities for regional expansion.

To obtain a 512 number, businesses can use local carriers, VoIP providers, or mobile phone services, ensuring compliance with FCC regulations. Due to high demand, the 737 overlay code may be an alternative if 512 numbers are unavailable.

For businesses focusing on local marketing, especially pay-per-call campaigns, choosing the right area code is crucial. Partnering with top pay-per-call providers can help effectively connect with regional audiences.

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Exploring Solar Energy in Arizona: A 2024 Perspective

Arizona's abundant sunshine, with over 300 days of clear skies annually, makes it an ideal location for solar energy adoption. This guide examines whether investing in solar power is financially and environmentally beneficial for Arizona residents in 2024.

We'll explore the latest incentives, rebates, and return on investment potential for solar installations in the Grand Canyon State. Our aim is to provide a practical, straightforward analysis of costs and benefits for various scenarios, from Phoenix families looking to reduce utility expenses to Tucson retirees interested in sustainable living options.

Arizona's Solar Landscape

Arizona ranks among the top states for solar capacity, with enough installations to power over 850,000 homes. Both residential and commercial sectors are embracing solar energy, contributing to the state's growing sustainable energy portfolio. This trend is driven by attractive local and federal incentives, as well as a desire for more environmentally friendly living.

Benefits of Solar in Arizona

With its abundant sunshine, Arizona offers significant potential for solar energy generation. Homeowners can substantially reduce or even eliminate their electricity bills while contributing to environmental conservation. State incentives, including tax credits and rebates, make solar adoption even more appealing. Additionally, solar panels can help manage energy consumption during Arizona's hot summers without increased costs or environmental impact.

Financial Considerations

While initial installation costs for solar systems typically range from $12,000 to $20,000, various incentives offset this investment. The Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit allows for a 30% deduction of system costs from federal taxes. Arizona's Residential Solar Energy Tax Credit provides an additional 25% credit (up to $1,000) against state taxes. Net metering policies also allow homeowners to earn credits for excess power generation.

Challenges and Considerations

Potential hurdles include space limitations and concerns about upfront costs. However, technological advancements have increased panel efficiency, making solar viable even for smaller properties. Various financial incentives and long-term savings potential often outweigh initial expenses. Additionally, solar installations can increase property values.

Is Solar Right for You?

When considering solar, evaluate factors such as roof condition, energy consumption, and financial situation. While upfront costs can be significant, incentives, financing options, and long-term savings make solar an attractive investment for many homeowners.

Solar Panel Types and Efficiency

Three main types of solar panels are available: monocrystalline (highest efficiency, longest lifespan), polycrystalline (more affordable, still effective), and thin-film (flexible, less efficient). In Arizona's sunny climate, all types can be effective, with the choice depending on individual circumstances and goals.


Solar energy presents a compelling opportunity for Arizona residents in 2024. With abundant sunshine, favorable incentives, and potential for significant long-term savings, solar power offers both financial and environmental benefits. While individual circumstances vary, many Arizonans find that solar installation is a wise investment in their home and the planet's future.

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